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first catch two execute. go in daycare and go away and come back. there is man standing out side. he gives u an egg. walk in vermillion city and cerulean city. at cerulean talk man in poke center, and heal ur pokemon. go to altering cave and there egg hached. there comes exegutor. walk in cave a little time and then comes houndoom. catch it with pokeball or it change to zubaT

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Q: How do you get houndoom Pokemon FireRed?
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Where can you find houndoom in Pokemon FireRed?

You cannot find Houndoom in Pokemon FireRed and will need to trade with Pokemon Emerald to get one. Houndoom itself can't be caught in Pokemon Emerald but it's pre-evolved form Houndour can be caught in the extended Safari Zone.

How do you get a houndoom in Pokemon Pokemon FireRed?

You get a houndour then evolve it i will update when I find out where to catch houndour

What johto pokemon can you get in Pokemon FireRed?

entei, suicune, and raikou those are the only one's i know of besides houndoom and houndour.

Where do you catch Houndour in Pokemon FireRed?

Since you can't catch houndour your going to have to trade the Pokemon colosseum houndoom to firered breed it then hatch the egg to get houndour or you can get one from emerald's safari zone.

What type of Pokemon is Houndoom?

The Pokemon Houndour is Fire

Were can you catch hondoon in Pokemon FireRed?

sorry but you cant, houndoom is on the 2nd generation Pokemon and above, so that means he is not on fire red and leafgreen because they only have the 151 Pokemon on them from the original game.

How do you get houndoom in Pokemon Rumble Wii?

Houndoom is a Johto pokemon and none of the Johto pokemon are in the first pokemon rumble.

Is houndoom a fire Pokemon?

Houndoom is Dark- Fire

Which Pokemon is better Crobat or houndoom and why?

houndoom is way better

Where do you find hounder on Pokemon LeafGreen?

You find it when you talk to you mum at your house after beating the Elite Four

What route do you catch houndoom on Pokemon diamond?

Houndoom is exclusive to Pokemon Pearl so it must be traded.

Is Houndoom a basic Pokemon?

No, Houndoom evolves from Houndour at level 24.