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When you get 120 stars you see a green comet and scatters 120 green stars

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Q: How do you get green stars on Mario galaxy 2?
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How many stars are in Mario galaxy3?

There is currently no Super Mario Galaxy 3. If you mean Super Mario Galaxy 2 there are 242 stars.

In Mario galaxy 2 can you finish all the levels first then go back for all the green stars?

no you cannot

What is a green star in Mario Brothers?

From: MasterOfGalaxies2010Now, when you collect all Gold Stars, which there are 120 Gold stars to collect, fight the final bowser 1 more time, and wait for the cast and junk to go through, now it will say something like Prankster Comets have appeared. Now, when you go back into your profile, every single galaxy will have a green comet on it! That means Green Stars have settled onto the galaxies! All of them! Now it will look weird having all those stars to collect! When you have collected all green stars and all gold stars, 120 green stars + 120 gold stars will make you have a brand new galaxy! It's called the Grandmaster Galaxy! It's awfully hard! Gee I had to have a go about 100 times on the Daredevil Run of it! LOL isn't that like way to long? Gee over a week it took me! But that is what a green star is in Super Mario Galaxy 2. You can collect only 3 green stars in Super Mario Galaxy. LOL at least yah got the information. Oh yeah, another name for the Green Stars are Cosmic Jewels. Sounds so pretty! My favourite colour is gold out of those. You know, you can hear the tinkling sound of the green stars when you're nearby one!

What is a game similar to Super Mario sunshine?

It is super Mario 64, Super Mario galaxy, and Super Mario galaxy 2.

What are all the Mario games in Wii?

As of now, only Super Mario Galaxy. But in 2010 we will get Super Mario Galaxy 2 and New Super Mario Bros. Wii.

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How do you unlock green stars on super Mario galaxy 2?

there red

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How many Green Stars are there in Super Mario Galaxy 2?


Super Mario Galaxy 2 green stars?

Super Mario Galaxy 2 has 242 stars in the game, just like the prequel. However, the green stars only appear after you get 120 stars.Green stars appear in every galaxy (except Grandmaster Galaxy). Usually there are 2-3 green stars in a galaxy. Now the objective is to find the hidden stars in the galaxy, which can prove quite challenging.After getting all the green stars, you end up with 240 stars, which will unlock the final galaxy: the aforementioned Grandmaster Galaxy. There are 2 stars in the galaxy, which will bring the total to a satisfying 242.So in summary, you can only get the green stars after having 120 stars.I hope that helped!- Ryanthelion

How many power stars are there in super Mario galaxy 2?

122 power stars and 120 green stars.

How do you get red stars in super Mario galaxy 2?

You don't! There are no red stars on Super Mario Galaxy 2

In super Mario galaxy 2 how do you get a green star?

To get green stars, you go through each level and look for green stars. You can also listen for the star "sound."

Are there green stars in the Grandmaster galaxy in super Mario galaxy 2?

yes there is you might need help from a friend and walkthroughs/cheats.

How much stars in super Mario galaxy 2?

120 Green Stars 120 Power Stars 49 Comet Medals Got the game yesterday. Its awesome and EPIC! (Get all these for the Grandmaster Galaxy) source from : Super Mario Galaxy 2 Game Guide by PRIMA Games and Nintendo

How many stars are in Mario galaxy3?

There is currently no Super Mario Galaxy 3. If you mean Super Mario Galaxy 2 there are 242 stars.

In Mario galaxy 2 can you finish all the levels first then go back for all the green stars?

no you cannot

What are you supposed to do to get green stars in Mario galaxy 2?

You are supposed to look around the levels for stars that are green which are hard to find because they are either well hidden or hard to reach