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u need a event but u go the goldenrod city and walk into the flower shop the same place u get the berry pots and as soon as u walk in a lady will notice right away that u have a shaymin and she looks at ur shaymin and give it a gracidea flower.

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Q: How do you get gracidea in soul silver?
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you have to give it a gracidea from the flower shop in goldenrod city.

Can you get a Gracidea Flower in Pokemon SoulSilver?

Yes, you can get a Gracidea Flower in "Pokémon SoulSilver." In Soul Silver you have to go to Goldenrod City's flower shop (with traded Shaymin not Action Replay Shaymin) and talk to one of the sisters there.

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Go to the flower shop in Goldenrod city (next to the gym), and if you have a shaymin with you, talk to the girl next to the door and she'll give you the flower.

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You can't change Shaymin into Sky Form in Pokemon Diamond (that includes pearl). You can only change Shaymin into Sky Form in Pokemon Platinum (that includes Heart Gold and Soul Silver). You can get the Gracidea to change Shaymin into Sky Form.

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