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Combine fireflies and snakebee larva. Snakebee larva can be found at honey gathering spots, and fireflies at bug catching spots.

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Q: How do you get goldenfish bait for monsters hunters tri?
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I don't when it came out. But the name of it is Monster Hunters Tri. It costs around $50. Hope this helps. =)

Can you get a pet monster on Monster hunters Tri?

no.but offline you can get cha-cha as a pet

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You can get that and more on the monster hunter wiki

How do you get to map 2 in monster hunter tri 3?

If ou mean the Sandy Plains map then you just need to complete the Lvl. 1 Quest like the Shroom Hunt ,Kelbi Horn ,Goldenfish ,Jaggia ,Monster Hunt and Red Coral. :P

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There is no festival of fear offline. It is a online quest only.

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Offline? no. You can go online and team up with 3 other real life players/hunters.

How do you get gluehoppers in monster hunter tri?

You can get gluehoppers from killing monsters such as gobul, and Rathalous, in offline, easier to get online, just suggesting it.

How do you get skypiecer from alatreon in monster hunters 3 tri?

Break both of the alatreon's horns, then you have a fifty-fifty chance of getting a full skypiercer.