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well... if you think the name might give you a clue, you basically go round killing monsters, which you can see blood from every time you hit it

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Q: Why is Monster Hunter Tri rated 16 plus?
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What is Monster rated?

monster hunter tri is rated a 16.

What is monster hunter tri rated?

Monster Hunter Tri has been rated T (Teen) by the ESRB for Blood, Use of Alcohol, and Violence.

What is Hunters rated?

monster hunter tri is rated a 16.

When did Monster Hunter Tri happen?

Monster Hunter Tri happened in 2009.

Monster Hunter Tri cheats?

There are absolutely no Monster Hunter Tri cheat codes.

Is monster hunter tri coming out for the psp?

No. Monster Hunter tri is Nintendo Wii exclusive.

When was Monster Hunter Tri created?

Monster Hunter Tri was created on 2009-08-01.

How do you get items plus in monster hunter tri?

It's the high ranked quests that give you them.

Can you have a monster as a pet on monster hunter tri?


What are all the monsters in monster hunter tri?

You can get that and more on the monster hunter wiki

What is the latest monster hunter game?

that would be Monster Hunter Freedom Unite on PSP and Monster Hunter Tri on Wii.

Do you have to do quest in monster hunter tri?
