To get glacial glass in sims makin magic, you have to do quests. You can ask Apothecary Todd, Mara, or Vicky Vampiress.
Go to you can download it there.
the sims the sims house party the simss vacation the sims unleashed the sims livin large the sims hotdate the sims makin magic the sims super star
The code is: FBVV-89JV-EGA6-Q4XA-KQLR
Things like that is sims makin' magic just mean that you've used alot of magic recently but other than that they're just eye candy. oh also you can get toadstools,beanstalks,and magic crystals that teach you cool tricks. oh yeah the beanstalk if its tall enough you can climb it to get to lot 99 with a giant sleeping will wright and free magic beans. and the toadstools are a favorite food of baby dragons along with other flowers.
Ooh! That's gonna take a while... (f you mean JUST the Sims 1 then OK, if you mean the Sims 2, its gonna take a while....) The Sims, EXPANSION PACKS - Livin' Large (Or Livin' It Up if you live in Europe) , Unleashed, Hot Date, On Holiday, House Party, Makin' Magic, Super Star. If you mean the Sims 2 - The Sims 2, EXPANSION PACKS - Nightlife, University, Seasons, Pets, Bon Voyage, Freetime, Open For Business, Apartment Life. Then the Stuff packs.
If You Mean What Is Sims Makin Magic, It Is An expansion pack for the sims!
The Sims Makin' Magic - 2003 VG is rated/received certificates of: USA:T
The Sims Makin' Magic - 2003 VG was released on: USA: 28 October 2003
On the moon
You can buy The Sims Makin Magic from any good game shops xx its rather cheap nowadays bcoz its old
My first Sims game was the original Sims and then I got Sims Makin' Magic.
Sims Deluxe Edition is the original Sims and another Sims put together into one CD. So you can use Makin Magic with the Deluxe Edition.
Well it is.. But you have to have the first one
Go to you can download it there.
with your hands or feet if you be a ninja
I think it's the same as every sims that you hug