You have to garden to get laff boosts. 10 flowers is 1 laff boost. You can earn up to 4 laff boosts because you can only go up to 40 different flowers. Note this will take 4 months or more to max gardening.
u can do toontasks to get more laff points or do lots of fishing to get laff boosts or golfing to win a laff boost
Simple, you start by completing all your toontasks. That should get you on a boost for a 100 laff. while in that proccess you can fish, fishing earns you trophies that give you laff boosts. You can also garden for gardening trophies that also give you laff boosts. Then there is also racing at the goofy speedway which earns you trophies that also give laff boosts.Gardening- 4 laffsGolfing- 3 laffsRacing- 3 laffsFishing- 7 laffsMaxing:Sellbot, Cashbot, Lawbot, and Bossbot- 5 laffs each= 37 extra laff
137 laff but i have no clue what you do after
You cannot cheat on toontown you can only do glitches. But if a glitch says you can get all gags or a bunch of laff points or jellybeans its a lie. Yes but there is a glitch/easter egg to get you a bonus 3 laff points.
Additionally you cant get 140 laff points in toontown. The max for now in toontown is 137 laff. To get 137 you need to do alot of stuff to be able to get that high. It will take long to max it all. It doesnt matter how long to get all the laff boosts. Some people say it takes 2 to 4 years to get 137 laff. But it doesnt have to be that long to get to the max. It depends on how fast you work on toontown to get all. Note you cant get 137 laff without membership because you can only go up to 27 laff ( used to be 34 since update happened ). Here's a list to get 137 laff points, not 140. 15 laff when beginning game ( pretty easy ) 85 laff from toontasks ( toontown to donald dreamland which will take a few months to get that far. ) 7 laff from fishing ( some fish are rare like devil ray, holey mackerel, all star fish and more. ) So 70 fish wont be easy to max. 4 laff from gardening, to do that get 40 flower species. Note each day you can get 10 shovel points, so it will take very long to max the gardening. ( Number of months to max : 4 months ( or more if you dont seem to want to garden every day. ) 3 laff from racing, You must earn 30 trophies, 6 from speedway ( corkscrew or screwball ), 6 from rural ( rustic raceway or airborne acres ) 6 from urban ( city circuit or blizzard ) 9 from tournaments ( meaning grand prix ) and 2 from 100 total qualified ( played ), wins ( coming in 1st ) and last trophy is from grand touring ( to get that you must play all 12 different races. 6 different speedway rural and urban regular and 6 different speedway rural and urban reverse. ( hint look at records in shticker book and do the ones that have N/A time on them if you clear all N/A on your records in shticker book you will get the grand touring trophy) Note : getting 30 trophies is long to get because toontown doesnt track number of wins in toontown plus the grand prix trophies you cant get till Monday Grand Prix which is all day and Saturday Silly which lasts 2 hours ( total for saturday 8 hours based on cycle of the activities. ) 3 laff from golfing, Same as racing you must get 30 trophies. Some trophies will be hard to get like 400 courses played, 600 multiplayer games ( must play 2 or more players ) 200 eagle shots and 100 wins for easy, normal, and hard courses. Finally last 20 are from boss battles. You will get 5 laff points from each of 4 hq bosses. To get the laff boosts you need to get level 15,20,30,40, and 50 ( max ) to get the 5 laff boosts. Note : Its hard to max ceo or cj because there are rarely toons that fight ceo or cj plus the suits will take long because you need to do like 100 vps, cjs, cfos, or ceos, to max the suits.
u can do toontasks to get more laff points or do lots of fishing to get laff boosts or golfing to win a laff boost
Simple, you start by completing all your toontasks. That should get you on a boost for a 100 laff. while in that proccess you can fish, fishing earns you trophies that give you laff boosts. You can also garden for gardening trophies that also give you laff boosts. Then there is also racing at the goofy speedway which earns you trophies that also give laff boosts.Gardening- 4 laffsGolfing- 3 laffsRacing- 3 laffsFishing- 7 laffsMaxing:Sellbot, Cashbot, Lawbot, and Bossbot- 5 laffs each= 37 extra laff
137 laff but i have no clue what you do after
Basicly once you max you wont have anything to get anymore laff boosts. You can just work on toontasks just for fun, or help toons with gag training buildings, or fighting boss battles.
If you already did all the laff toontasks you should have 100 laff if you had 108 you did some of the activities. I'll show you more laff boosts to get. 7 from fishing by getting 10 from each fish species which wll be 70 fish. 4 from gardening by getting 40 flowers species this one takes long to max. 3 from Racing get 30 trophies from different races 3 from Golfing same as racing get 30 trophies. 20 from maxing suits 5 from sellbot, cashbot, lawbot, and bossbot. Add 100 and 37 and you will achieve 137 laff points.
34 laff points.
You don't get unlimited laff points -_- noob.
WHOA WHOA WHOA 800 laff points? Theres no way to get that many in that game the laff limit is 137 laff. If you had 800 that would ether be hacked which should not happen because toontown will ban or delete your account for doing that. So again 137 is laff limit.
There are over a hundred toons with the maximum laff of 137. This laff is obtained by completing all of the required toontasks, and by "maxing" all four bossbot HQ, fishing, kart racing, gardening, and golf. There are probably thousands more with at least 130 laff.
By completing toontasks-you get these at Toon Headquarters
Laff 135
You cannot 'die' in Toontown, but your Toon can get sick. To get sick, your Toon has to loose all of it's Laff Points.