Simple, you start by completing all your toontasks. That should get you on a boost for a 100 laff. while in that proccess you can fish, fishing earns you trophies that give you laff boosts. You can also garden for gardening trophies that also give you laff boosts. Then there is also racing at the goofy speedway which earns you trophies that also give laff boosts.
Gardening- 4 laffs
Golfing- 3 laffs
Racing- 3 laffs
Fishing- 7 laffs
Sellbot, Cashbot, Lawbot, and Bossbot- 5 laffs each
= 37 extra laff
137 laff but i have no clue what you do after
u can do toontasks to get more laff points or do lots of fishing to get laff boosts or golfing to win a laff boost
Well, no because 137 is highest but that was close guess on the max laff points +15 from the beginning +85 from all toontasks in each of 6 neighborhoods +3 from golfing +3 from racing +4 from gardening +7 from fishing +5 from maxing sellbot +5 from maxing cashbot +5 from maxing lawbot +5 from maxing bossbot If you achieve all this you will get 137 laff.
You cannot cheat on toontown you can only do glitches. But if a glitch says you can get all gags or a bunch of laff points or jellybeans its a lie. Yes but there is a glitch/easter egg to get you a bonus 3 laff points.
The laff limit for not members is 34 laff. The list to get that limit : 15 from starting toontown 17 from toontasks in toontown central and some of donald docks Last 2 is from fishing if you can get 20 species. But sadly due to update in May 11, 2011, the new laff limit is 27 laff because you cant choose drop or lure anymore for not members. Plus they changed the track where the highest is lvl 1 toon up or sound. Heres the new list for new limit : 15 from starting toontown 10 from toontasks in toontown central only ( since donald docks toontasks cant be picked for not members ) Last 2 are fishing if you can get 20 species.
137 laff but i have no clue what you do after
WHOA WHOA WHOA 800 laff points? Theres no way to get that many in that game the laff limit is 137 laff. If you had 800 that would ether be hacked which should not happen because toontown will ban or delete your account for doing that. So again 137 is laff limit.
You start at 15 laff and can go up to 137
that's not a question really because im probably the stongest toontown player ( laff : 137 PAWNED
Basicly once you max you wont have anything to get anymore laff boosts. You can just work on toontasks just for fun, or help toons with gag training buildings, or fighting boss battles.
34 laff points.
You don't get unlimited laff points -_- noob.
u can do toontasks to get more laff points or do lots of fishing to get laff boosts or golfing to win a laff boost
There are over a hundred toons with the maximum laff of 137. This laff is obtained by completing all of the required toontasks, and by "maxing" all four bossbot HQ, fishing, kart racing, gardening, and golf. There are probably thousands more with at least 130 laff.
By completing toontasks-you get these at Toon Headquarters
Laff 135
Well, no because 137 is highest but that was close guess on the max laff points +15 from the beginning +85 from all toontasks in each of 6 neighborhoods +3 from golfing +3 from racing +4 from gardening +7 from fishing +5 from maxing sellbot +5 from maxing cashbot +5 from maxing lawbot +5 from maxing bossbot If you achieve all this you will get 137 laff.