you must download it from a Japanese event, sorry But you can get Megaraptor by connecting 50 times in Wi-Fi
how do i get a awakened parasrolophus on dinosaur king ds game
you have go to anrtaca
Here is an action replay code for Dinosaur King: 94000130 FFFB0000,12292376 00000301,12292378 0000XX00,D2000000 00000000. Dinosaur King was released on Nintendo DS in 2007.
Enter Wi-Fi 50 times.
megalodon, deinonychus, pachycephalosaurus, fukuisaurus, fukuiraptor, gastonia, charonosaurus can only be gained from Japanese download events. But if anyone knows how to get a Japanese dinosaur king ds ROM we could easily get them...
how do i get a awakened parasrolophus on dinosaur king ds game
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what is the cheat code for therizinosaurus on dinosaur king saga Nintendo ds
I don't believe you can
you have go to anrtaca
As fast as you can
up my bum
you get it in n America in a red dot
Fukuisaurus was created in 2003.