The Nintendo DS and DS lite does not have a friend code system so there is no way to get friends on Pictochat. As long as your friend is within range of your DS console, you can communicate through Pictochat but you cannot save friend codes.
On a Nintendo DS or DSLite, the Pictochat application can be found on the home menu. If you have your system set to boot to the game without going through the main menu, take the game card out before starting the system. On the DSi or DSi XL, the Pictochat application will be on your DSi menu.
You can pictochat up to 65 feet away from one another. It goes this far on DS, DS Lite, and DSI. Not 3DS. Wich sucks. Ihave a 3DS and cant pictochat,but Can communicate with SWAPNOTE!
in pictochat or download playSimple! Use your DS Download Play!
at the menu go into pictochat and tou and a friend must go into the same chat room at the menu go into pictochat and tou and a friend must go into the same chat room
you and 1-15 other people must be with in 65 feet or closer to each other and be on the same pictochat channel of pictochat.
I had an original ds and a ds lite and both of them had pictochat.
Yes. From every DS, you can access PictoChat from the main menu.
You actually can. However, the DSi users can have a bunch of different colors (to write with), and the Nintendo DS does not have those. So, Warning: Unless you do not get jealous easily, do not Pictochat with a DSi user using your DSL. ;)
Yes, since both the Nintendo DS and DSi has the Pictochat application, you can connect these two systems together.However, the Nintendo 3DS does not have pictochat, so the 3DS will not be able to connect
Yes, you can, I do all the time.
Only with Pictochat
its About the size of a house.
Pictochat on DS? yes of course.
pictochat is where if u have a Nintendo ds it can talk to another ds within a certain range. you use the touch screen to write or draw things. it also has info about picto chat in the manual that came with it
Of course you can! You can do pictochat or DS download with someone. Hope I helped!