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The Nintendo DS and DS lite does not have a friend code system so there is no way to get friends on Pictochat. As long as your friend is within range of your DS console, you can communicate through Pictochat but you cannot save friend codes.

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Q: How do you get friends on pictochat for DS?
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Related questions

Does a Nintendo DS have pictochat?

I had an original ds and a ds lite and both of them had pictochat.

How do you get friends on pictochat on DS?

Oh, dude, it's like ancient history! You can't get friends on Pictochat on DS anymore because it's like, so old school. You might as well try sending a carrier pigeon with a message saying, "Wanna chat on Pictochat?" Good luck with that!

Do all Nintendo dss come with pictochat?

Yes. From every DS, you can access PictoChat from the main menu.

Can you get rainbow colors on pictochat an a DS lite?


Is there a WiFi pictochat on the Nintendo DSi?

You actually can. However, the DSi users can have a bunch of different colors (to write with), and the Nintendo DS does not have those. So, Warning: Unless you do not get jealous easily, do not Pictochat with a DSi user using your DSL. ;)

Can you pictochat on dsi with dsi's and DS's?

Yes, you can, I do all the time.

Can you chat from the Nintendo ds to the Nintendo DSi?

Only with Pictochat

Is it possible to talk on picochat?

Pictochat on DS? yes of course.

Can you reach about two miles on pictochat on DS?

its About the size of a house.

What is Pictochat on Nintendo DS lite?

pictochat is where if u have a Nintendo ds it can talk to another ds within a certain range. you use the touch screen to write or draw things. it also has info about picto chat in the manual that came with it

How do you chat on a 3DS to a DS?

You can't, because Pictochat is not available for the 3DS.

Can you get any other color than black on pictochat on a DS?

No, you cannot.