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you cant get internet without an access point.

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Q: How do you get free internet access on dsi without a access point?
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How do you get wireless internet on your ps3 without a modem or router?

Even hot spots with free internet have them. You could steal the signal from a neighbor if you mean without buying a WiFi router. The footnotes for the PS3 say: "May require broadband internet service and a wireless access point. Certain limitations apply to Wi-Fi connectivity. See the product documentation for details. User is responsible for Internet service fees."

Can you use Nintendo WFC without a router?

To connect to Nintendo WFC, you'll need to connect to an access point. This is usually a router. But you can: * Buy and use the Nintendo Wi-Fi USB device to share your computer's internet connection, this is best if you have a wired up connection and you can't afford/setup a router. * use another access point, such as free wi-fi hotspots around towns and cities (try McDonalds)

How do you get free internet on your psp go without wifi or bluetooth?

You could visit a McDonalds or Starbucks, as they often have free wifi.

Is the internet free on the ps3?

Yes the internet access is free if you have the internet connection already in your house . Besides the cost of the internet if you don't already have it you may also need to purchase a router to allow another internet connection if you don't have WiFi. What is really free is the use of the PSN and anything else you use your PS3 while on the internet that does not have a charge for use. Following E3 2010, Sony introduced a top tier level of PlayStation Network known as PlayStation Plus. The service is available for $49.99 a year, and includes such features as early access to game betas and free downloads from the PlayStation Store. However, the current features of PlayStation Network, including online play, will remain free to all users.

When using your psp to access the internet in free WiFi hotspots do you need that 16 digit access code thing to get online?

Depending on where you are connecting to. If you are connecting to your home, or somebody's WiFi connection, you may need the access code. If you are connecting to a free wifi hotspot (at McDonalds, Gloria Jeans, Starbucks etc) you will not have to.

Related questions

What is internet access point?

it is a access point that is free to use

What is Public Internet Access points?

it is a access point that is free to use

How can you download music onto a phone without internet for free?

You cannot download anything without internet access.

With an Ethernet connection for a ps3 do you have to pay for the internet?

The charge is for the internet access if you don't already have internet access. PS3 does not provide free internet it provides free use of the PlayStation Network on the internet. It does not matter if you use WiFi or an Ethernet cable to connect the use of the PS3 on the internet is free, the internet is the same charge to you with or without a PS3.

How can I get free internet access for my phone?

No there is not a way for your Iphone to get free internet service without being in a wi-fi zone. Wifi or paid internet service are you only two options.

How much is the internet for a ipod touch?

It is just like any other wap (wireless access point)....wherever there is wifi for free your internet is free. Works just like a wireless pc/mac. If you have a wireless router at home you're good to go and have instant access to the internet. Same if you stay somewhere they have free wireless internet access and wifi.

What is a public internet access point?

Somewhere where wifi is distributed free. Like McDonalds, StarBucks, and many others.

Is there a way to get online without an isp?

Yes, you may be able to. All you need is a wireless card and a nearby unsecured wireless access point. Your computer will most likely discover the access point and, if it's not secured, allow you access on the internet. This is usually illegal. Also, you can do the same, legally, by going at a place with free wireless access, such as some bars, cafes, restaurants, hotels or university campuses. You will most likely need a laptop or mobile smart-phone to do this.

Is there a way to create a secure wireless network within your apartment using the free wireless internet as the access point?


Can you use a high definition decoder to access free internet?

No, you can't use a high definition decoder to access free internet.

Do you need wireless internet for a laptop?

Yes. It does not necessarily have to be your own internet service provider, you may be able to use WIFI. The laptop has a wireless ethernet card that will connect to a nearby access point. If you are at a location that offers free wireless internet, then you do not need an ISP as you can use theirs. If you are at home, however, you will need your own access point and internet provider to get online. You may be able to connect through your neighbor's access point, but that is shady and possibly illegal without their permission.

Can you get PSP internet for free with out a PS3?

PS3 does not get the internet free it gets the access to the PlayStation network free and you have to have an internet service provider