this may mess up your town so think about it before doing You put about ten thousand bells or more in your account in the town hall (right side) then save and quit, then set the time forward 60 years or more ahead, then check your mail, there should be a letter from the town hall about your interist. Then there should be alot of money. (check the town hall account)
You have to work hard- catch fish, sell furniture, catch bugs, etc. You can't make money by magic.
You can't remove boulders and rocks from Animal Crossing Wild World DS unless you use Animal Crossing map editor.
If it is on the Wii, Yes. If it i on the DS, No.
First you have to buy a shovel from Tom Nook for 500 bells. Then you have to find an X type thing on the ground. Then you stand next to it and press A or tap yourself.
I have no flippin idea
The money in Animal Crossing is called bells.
Earn it.
Hit rocks with shovels or shake trees.
All you have to do is catch fish and sell them.
You can get heaps of bells on animal crossing by switching fowerd in time. Start of at 2000 put 50,000 in the bank save and quit change the date to 2035 and you will have loads more money than you used to.
90 bells.
There will be no Animal Crossing: City Folk on the ds.
No But Your Ds Can Connect To Your Wii.
If your talking about the ds version you can get action replay. But for the game cube or wii version i dont know.
Your DS has problems... LOL!
I don't think so I've tried BTW does anyne have animal crossing on wii or DS?
It won't. Animal Crossing: City Folk is only for the Wii. There is, however, Animal Crossing: Wild World, which is an Animal Crossing game for the DS.