You have to work hard- catch fish, sell furniture, catch bugs, etc. You can't make money by magic.
you can't. unless you make the bells it or hack into the game
i know a couple cheats! 1. - make 100,000 bells! to make 100,000 bells, go to the wii menu and set the calender to year 2000. then go onto Animal Crossing and start playing, but as soon as you get into the game, save it and quit it. then go back onto the wii menu and change the calender to year 2035. then go onto animal crossing again and start the game, as soon as you've started though, check your mailbox and you should have a letter from the bank saying that you've earned 100,000 bells in interest! save the game and quit it. then go onto the wii menu and change the calender to your present year, i.e - 2010. your money should be in your bank. the only trouble is you will find a lot of weeds in your town and you'll have bedhead from time travelling! 2. - grow bells! when you get the golden shovel, bury a bag of bells with it! it will soon grow into a fine money/bell tree!
hfgzc bnirhgtren ghv
You got to town hall go to the right side where you mail letters and you hit pay mortgage and the the first one is 16,00 bells and the last one will be 10,0000 bells then when you pay it go to your nook shop talk to tom nook and he will ask you what color roof you want and wait a day and it will be all done.
You can't make them move unless you invite one of your other friends that has animal crossing wild world to your town and get them to talk to them. If they keep on talking to them, they will move to your freinds town. Hope I helped! ^_^ ~snazzycatz
For as many bells as you want. Don't make them too high. No one will buy them.
How obvious. "bells" is the Animal Crossing currency, and you catch a bug, fish, flower, furniture, any pocketable item, and go to Tom Nook, and say "i want to sell".
you can't. unless you make the bells it or hack into the game
Sell fruit, fossils, sea shells, anything.
You have to donate 700,000 bells to the town fund, you can do this by visiting the civic center in the town hall and selecting 'Town Fund'.
If you bury 10,000 bells, it just grows a plain old tree. DONT WASTE YOUR BELLS! :P
You can either catch bugs, fish, fossils, clothes, furniture, shells...etc, or make sure you have 20,000 in your savings account and turn off your ds (after saving). Set the year to 2099. When you next turn on animal crossing, check your mail. You should have one letter saying the bank gave you 99,999 bells. The 99,999 bells should be in your savings account. You may do this as many times as you like. Hope I helped! :)
there is no way to make snow girls in animal crossing! however, you can make snowmen
Yes, they do make Animal Crossing for PlayStation 2. Try looking for it.
TO GET LOTS OF MONEY!!!To get lots money in the bank, make sure you have at least 20,000 bells in the bank. Then go to the Wii menu and set your game forward 2 years. This will get you interest of 99,999 bells.
basically action replay for Animal Crossing Wild World is so that you can really improve your game. You can turn all the weeds in your town into bells (money) make tom nook's store HUGE and basically hack your game. I hope this helped
You cannot make an igloo for yourself on animal crossing for Nintendo gamecube.