You can get free badges searching the badge that you want here -> <- And also you can you can send to your IMVU profile 800+ badges from this site .
How to get this 800+ badges from the imvucodes site? just follow this simple steps.
1-Click '' Start by clicking here ''
2-Click '' Add all 800+ badges to Cart instantly.
3-Click on the cart
4-Click '' Start delivery
Your browser it's going to open by his self and the badges it's going to start going in your profile.You don't have to click '' OK '' for every single badge who is coming in your profile.The badges are going in to your Profile card by them self's.
The only thing that you have to do it's -> Log in your account and start deleting the messages from the badges.
Add me if you want --> xxRockStariousxx :)
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There are codes. Just go to Google and search.. "Imvu cheat codes" :D!
I think IMVU could do it?
No it is free unless you buy Vip
No, Unfortunatly but you can earn them which is free and easy. - or search google for similar games like imvu for more