just go to ballyhoo its a 50 50 percent chance but if you get the chance you will get 5 aq coins each time(this is for aqworlds)
Adventure Quest uses Z-tokens. Adventure Quest Worlds uses Adventure Coins (AC) which can be obtained either by: watching the videos from Ballyhoo, earn the free premium currency through their surveys, or get lucky in AQ. AQW doesn't give in-game AC for free other than Ballyhoo I think.
All accounts are free unless you upgrade
ya can kill skeketal warriors or big jack sprat until they drop pile of bones (house item) if ya sell it ya get 25 acs but its rare drop under 1% chance to get it hey guys ill take your aq worlds account off your hands e-mail me at jedioftheforce21@yahoo.com
well you get 3 free coins a day.... and it costs .99 for 10 coins. i think you can win them too
you can not get a free guardian account on aq unless you hack.DO NOT HACK ANYONE
you can it at aextras(homepage) u sign in and do offers
How about YOU ARE A MORON. or e-mail superkid1297@yahoo.com for free aq coins just type in how many you want and he will give them to you i have done this many times myself and have over 100,000 bye
u buy em or e-mail superkid1297@yahoo.com for free aq coins just type in how many you want and he will give them to you i have done this many times myself and have over 100,000 bye
AQ Worlds doesn't have Z-Tokens, that was AdventureQuest. AQ Worlds has adventure coins
AC Coins can be getted by goin to the homepage, www.aqworlds.com and then click on aextras on the left side and you do what it says, i got 70ac from just registering on a site Cool :D hey guys e-mail superkid1297@yahoo.com for free aq coins just type in how many you want and he will give them to you. i have done this many times myself and have over 100,000 bye
you can if you have 200 adventure coins
Its automaticly free
Aq worlds is free, just go to aq.com you play it on your browser
you just search a lot and keep it for ever.
either by downloading the aqw toolbar, get aqw membership,or buy ac coins with real money