Adventure Quest uses Z-tokens. Adventure Quest Worlds uses Adventure Coins (AC) which can be obtained either by: watching the videos from Ballyhoo, earn the free premium currency through their surveys, or get lucky in AQ. AQW doesn't give in-game AC for free other than Ballyhoo I think.
just go to ballyhoo its a 50 50 percent chance but if you get the chance you will get 5 aq coins each time(this is for aqworlds)
you can't
The only way to legally obtain AC in AQW is by completing surveys in AEXtras. At rare occasions, Artix Entertainment have a contest in which you might get AC.
You either have to buy them, which personally I don't recommend, go to BAllyhoo for a chance to get 5 Adventure Coins, download the BattleBar which gives 1 ac every 10 searches, or do contests. All in all it is not easy to get Adventure Coins
you can it at aextras(homepage) u sign in and do offers
u buy em or e-mail for free aq coins just type in how many you want and he will give them to you i have done this many times myself and have over 100,000 bye
either by downloading the aqw toolbar, get aqw membership,or buy ac coins with real money
How about YOU ARE A MORON. or e-mail for free aq coins just type in how many you want and he will give them to you i have done this many times myself and have over 100,000 bye
you just search a lot and keep it for ever.
Adventure Quest uses Z-tokens. Adventure Quest Worlds uses Adventure Coins (AC) which can be obtained either by: watching the videos from Ballyhoo, earn the free premium currency through their surveys, or get lucky in AQ. AQW doesn't give in-game AC for free other than Ballyhoo I think.
6 now in 2010
just go to ballyhoo its a 50 50 percent chance but if you get the chance you will get 5 aq coins each time(this is for aqworlds)
find the cenutaur and keep getting the deals
No one is going to give out a free unused pin.
you can't