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Veilstone. The warehouse contains the HM and you have to beat the gym leader.

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Q: How do you get fly in light platinum?
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How do you teach a Psyduck Fly in Pokemon Platinum?

It can't fly

Where do you get fly on Pokemon light platinum?

you get it when you beat your friend Binica in driftveil city.

Can you teach fly to sizzor in pokemon platinum?


What to do after you have fly in platinum?

go to pastoria city

What hm do you get after 4th gymleader?

In Platinum, it is fly.

How do you get out of hearthome in platinum?

you need to fly away.....

How to get fly on Pokemon platinum?

In The Galactic Warehouse.

Can Scizor use fly in Pokemon platinum?


Can gliscor learn fly in platinum?

Unfortunately, No.

Is Pokemon light platinum legal?

No, Pokémon Light Platinum is not a legal game. Light Platinum is a fan hack that is based on the Pokémon Ruby game engine.

Where is the move fly in platinum?

in the Galactic warehouse on the ground

Can gliscor learn fly in Pokemon platinum?

it's no