Go to the lighthouse and go up the lift. Talk to the guy with spiky hair. Hell leave. Go back to the gym. Flint will be gone.
Hope I helped.
Ps. I know a website that might give you answers, WWW.Pokemon.Marriland.co.uk
Go to the Sunnyshore city lighthouse up on the elevator , and you will see Volkner !Talk to him and Flint will not be blocking your way!
you can buy it in veilstone
you teach a Pokemon that move or use a TM
the only Pokemon tat i know that lerns it is staravia
Ruin Maniac Cave
you use strong Pokemon posibly water and lv100.
in Pokemon diamond they are -aaron - bug type - bertha - ground type - flint - fire type - lucian - psychic type
In Pokemon Diamond the TM 90 is the move substitute.
yes as long as the move is available anywhere in the gamealthough Pokemon is awesome
It stands for technical move. there are lots of them on diamond.
Go to the Sunnyshore city lighthouse up on the elevator , and you will see Volkner !Talk to him and Flint will not be blocking your way!
5 aaron(5) bertha(5) flint(5)? lucian(5)? cynthia(6)
you mest get the hm strength.
eterna city
hearthome city
Pastoria City