You mine gravel, sometimes flint is dropped when you break a block of gravel.
Flint is sometimes dropped when you mine gravel.
An iron ingot and a flint.
Craft one flint with an iron ingot( think about the name
you craft it with stee ingots to make a flint and steel which makes fire.
Flint and steel are in the "Tools" section of the Creative inventory.
A flint and tinder
Flint is sometimes dropped when you mine gravel.
In minecraft to get flint you sometimes get it when you kill a creeper and it should make a big hole and you sometimes get flint
When you destroy gravel, there will be a 10% chance of it dropping flint.
An iron ingot and a flint.
Craft one flint with an iron ingot( think about the name
you craft it with stee ingots to make a flint and steel which makes fire.
flint and steel it is used to light fires
Flint and steel are in the "Tools" section of the Creative inventory.
by making it
You cant. You need to find it.
The get to the Nether in minecraft, you need at least 10 obsidian and a flint and steel. You need to make a Nether Portal, a 4x5 portal, and set it alight with the flint and steel.