There is no flax... But you can get wheat seeds from destroying tall grass
you can pick flax at lletya, gnome stronghold, or catherby flax field.
By buying flax seeds from Taylor's seeds and plant them, keep putting fertiliser on the seeds, when they are grown you should have at least one "shining flax" when you come across a "shining flax" put it in a yarn maker in the animal shed, you NEED to buy a yarn maker from village shop, and it will make a "Shining flax yarn".
100% minecraft
Flax seed is derived from the flax plant (also known as common flax or linseed).
Flax grows from a flax seed.
The Maori name for flax is harakeke.
Flax meal is just ground up flax seeds.
a clump of flax
Flax is a plant with blue flowers and a flax dam is not really a dam but a pool where bundles of flax (flowers) are placed
a clump of flax
Linen, Linseed oil, flax seeds, flax oil, see wiki entry
flax seed oil. But not limited to. Linen fibre is made from flax.
you can pick flax at lletya, gnome stronghold, or catherby flax field.
Yes, flax as in flax seeds. Example: On a hot summer day, I like to eat flax seeds with lemonade.
Ground flax meal is usually a finer consistency than simply ground flax. Ground flax will have larger pieces and will be a rougher texture.