if you are boy the starters usually are females but it's not always like that
create a female account or try a lot of times with male accounts.
Eevee learns the following moves: - Tail Whip - Tackle - Helping Hand - Sand Attack (D/P/Pt/HG/SS/B/W: Lvl 8) - Growl (D/P/Pt/HG/SS/B/W: Lvl 15) - Quick Attack (D/P/Pt/HG/SS/B/W: Lvl 22) - Bite (D/P/Pt/HG/SS/B/W: Lvl 29) - Baton Pass (D/P/Pt/HG/SS/B/W: Lvl 36) - Take Down (D/P/Pt/HG/SS/B/W: Lvl 43) - Last Resort (D/P/Pt/HG/SS/B/W: Lvl 50) - Trump Card (D/P/Pt/HG/SS/B/W: Lvl 57) TMs: 6,10,11,17,18,21,27,28,30,32,42,44,45,48,48,67,83,87,90 Pt/HG/SS Move tutors: Snore, Swift, Mud-Slap HG/SS Move tutors: Heal Bell, Headbutt
There's only one way to get all 3 starters in Pokemon HeartGold/SoulSilver, but you will need to have 2 DS's and 2 games. You start with a Pokemon and trade it on your other game on your other DS. You start a new game and then do the same with your other 2 and then trade them back. You then have all 3 starters.
There are no PokeBlocks in HG/SS.
U only get it in HG
yes but you get the starters through trade
you cant but you can get the starters from this massive building
The only way to get the Sinnoh starters in Pokemon HG/SS is to trade it from games Diamond, Pearl, and Platinum.
migrate from gba games and for joto trade from either hg or ss
There are 4 ways: Trade with yourself and two DS's from P/D/Pt/Other HG/SS game Trade a with a friend Ask a friend to hold, restart, get new starter Action Replay
Soulsilver=SS heartgold=HG KK=O.K
yes,as long as you have bought a new HG or SS
You have to trade it from Diamond, Pearl, or Platinum. You can't evolve Eevee into it in HG/SS.
I have Pokemon heartgold version. Steve is in the same place in hg and ss. If you are looking for Steven for Hoen starters, he is in the silph co. building.
After you beat all 16 gym leaders & the Indigo Plateau in HG or SS, you challenge Red. Beat Red and get to choose from the Kanto starters (Bulbasaur, Squritle, and Charmander). Then you choose Charmander & trade it to Diamond or Pearl. Clone it so you can have it in each game. And that's how you get Charmander in D, P, PL, HG, and SS.
you can't, but you can catch latios in ss and latias in hg hg(Heartgold) ss(Soulsilver)
InsideGolduckSneaselDonphan(HG)Ursaring(SS)QuagsireLarvitarPupitarOnixGravelerGolbatMisdreavus(Night only)Outside/MountainsideOnixPhanpy(HG)Donphan(HG)Teddiursa(SS)UrsaringGolduckLarvitarPonytaTangelaRapidashDoduoDodrioHoenn SoundAbsolMakuhitaWhismurLinooneSinnoh SoundBronzorChinglingBuizelBidoofWaterSeakingGoldeenFishingGoldeenMagikarpGyaradosSeakingPoliwhirlPoliwagHeadbuttingNatuAipomHeracross