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if you are boy the starters usually are females but it's not always like that

create a female account or try a lot of times with male accounts.

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Q: How do you get female starters in hg ss?
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There are 4 ways: Trade with yourself and two DS's from P/D/Pt/Other HG/SS game Trade a with a friend Ask a friend to hold, restart, get new starter Action Replay

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yes,as long as you have bought a new HG or SS

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You have to trade it from Diamond, Pearl, or Platinum. You can't evolve Eevee into it in HG/SS.

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I have Pokemon heartgold version. Steve is in the same place in hg and ss. If you are looking for Steven for Hoen starters, he is in the silph co. building.

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After you beat all 16 gym leaders & the Indigo Plateau in HG or SS, you challenge Red. Beat Red and get to choose from the Kanto starters (Bulbasaur, Squritle, and Charmander). Then you choose Charmander & trade it to Diamond or Pearl. Clone it so you can have it in each game. And that's how you get Charmander in D, P, PL, HG, and SS.

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you can't, but you can catch latios in ss and latias in hg hg(Heartgold) ss(Soulsilver)

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