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How to get Feebas in the Sinnoh Region

Well, Feebas can be found in both Pokemon Pearl and Pokemon Diamond by doing the same thing. All you need to do is go to the basement of Mt. Coronet, and fish in the water with either the Good or Super rod. Feebas is found in 4 random tiles which change places daily. The odds of finding Feebas in one of these spots is 80% or so . Try going to the corners of the water. He is usually there.

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Q: How do you get feebas in Pokemon Pearl?
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What level does feebas evolve at Pokemon pearl?

Feebas evolves at level 99

How do you get a seebas on Pokemon pearl?

Feebas is a Water type Pokemon that can be caught in four fishing spots on Mt. Coronet in Pokemon Pearl. When its Beauty levels are high, Feebas will evolve into Milotic.

How do you catch feebas in Pokemon pearl?

Feebas in in the top right corner in the water in Pastoria City.

How do you seemilotic on POKeMON Pearl?

The Champion cynthia has it, or evolve a feebas.

Is anyone willing to trade for a Feebas on Pokemon?

I have tons of Feebas I'm willing to trade.I have Pokemon Pearl. My following is my FC:Noe:2921 9029 6025

How do you catch a feebas in Pokemon Diamond and Pearl?

Feebas can be a pain to catch in Pokemon Diamond and Pearl by going to Mt. Cornet. Feebas is located on the basement floor of the Mt. Cornet. The player will need the HMs Surf and Strength to reach the underground lake. Patient and Luck will grant the player a elusive Feebas.

In the game Pokemon Emerald where is the Pokemon Feebas located?

Feebas appears when fishing with an old rod in route 119 (extreme rare to the max but I got him in pearl).

Do you catch a Feebas with a super rod for Pokemon Pearl?

No, try the good rod.

How do you evolve a feebas in Pokemon pearl?

fedd it ONLY beauty poffins till its full

Pokemon Pearl how to get feebas?

the 4 tiles in the mt.cornet(you need the super/good rod

Do you need to be a girl character in Pokemon Diamond and Pearl to get feebas?

No you just need to try to find the Pokemon in mt.coronet

Is there an Action Replay code to catch Feebas on Pokemon Pearl?

yes there is one for every Pokemon i just don't know what it is