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in diamond, platinum & pearl-bebes house in hearthome.

fire red leaf green & red/blue- celadon city at the tall building.go from the back entrance, and go into the small house on the roof. a pokeball which contains eevee is on the table. Get national dext You Get It By Going To The Grand City: Hearthome City And Talk To The Person Inside The House Next To The Pokemon Center Talk To Her. She Is Bebe She Owns Your Box Inside Of The Pokemon Center. So Talk To Her And Sooner Or Later You'll Obtain A Evee! In GreenLeaf and FireRed. The person who's name is on the PC (Example: Bebe's PC). He is a HUGE Eevee fan. He will give you a egg. A few minutes later....... EEVEE!!!!

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βˆ™ 9y ago
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βˆ™ 13y ago

There is only one in Pokemon mansion.

Hope this helps.

If you need the directions to it here they are:First, you go behind the mansion and enter the back way then keep going up and enter the small building.Then grab the pokeball and you have yourself an eevee!


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How do you make an Eevee with stones in Pokemon?

You cant make a eevee using stones .... But you can use stones on Every to Make your Eevee Evolve .... Eevee + Thunderstone = Jolteon Eevee + Waterstone = Vaporeon Eevee + Firestone = Flareon Eevee + Happiness + Daytime = Espeon Eevee + Happiness + Night time = Umbreon Eevee + Stone in Enterna Forest = Leafeon Eevee + Stone near Snowpoint City = Glaceon You cant make a eevee using stones .... But you can use stones on Every to Make your Eevee Evolve .... Eevee + Thunderstone = Jolteon Eevee + Waterstone = Vaporeon Eevee + Firestone = Flareon Eevee + Happiness + Daytime = Espeon Eevee + Happiness + Night time = Umbreon Eevee + Stone in Enterna Forest = Leafeon Eevee + Stone near Snowpoint City = Glaceon

What is the name of the earth evoulution of Eevee?

there is no earth evolution of eevee retards there is no earth evolution of eevee retards there is no earth evolution of eevee retards there is no earth evolution of eevee retards there is no earth evolution of eevee retards there is no earth evolution of eevee retards

If you get Eevee in level 20 what level Eevee evolve into Espeon?

if i get eevee in level 20 what level eevee need to evolve into espeon

Can you find Eevee in Pokemon emerald if you can were?

there is no eevee :(

When was Eevee created?

Eevee was created in 1996.

Can Eevee evolve only once?

eevee can only evolve once but if you get another eevee (of different gender )and breed with it you can get another eevee and evolve it into something else.

What is good about eevee?

Well Eevee is probably my favourite Pokemon because my best friend is called Eevee

Can you you get an Eevee egg with a flareon and ditto?

Yes, any of Eevee's evolutions and a ditto can be bred for an Eevee egg.

What level does eveee evolve?

Evolutions` Eevee Simple. Eevee does not evolve at a certain level. Eevee+ Fire Stone=Flareon Eevee+ Water Stone=Vaporeon Eevee+ Thunder Stone=Jolteon Eevee+ Level up at maximum happiness in daytime=Espeon Eevee+ Level up at maximum happiness in nightime=Umbreon Eevee+ Level up at mossy rock=Leafeon Eevee+ Level up at ice path=Glaceon Hope I Helped! :D

How do you get a 7 forms of Eevee to murph?

Jolteon: Give Eevee a Thunderstone Vaporeon: Give Eevee a Waterstone Flareon: Give Eevee a Firestone Espeon: Max out Eevee's Happiness during the day time Umbreon: Max out Eevee's Happiness during the night time Leafeon: Level Eevee Up in Eterna Forest Glaceon: Level Eevee Up in Route 216 or close to Snowpoint City