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You go to birth island

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Q: How do you get dyoxys on Pokemon Emerald?
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Where is dyoxys in Pokemon FireRed?

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What king of legenary Pokemon you can catch in emerald?

The Pokemon that you can catch are: Rayquazza-sky piller after helping aqua and magma groudon- land lair kygore- Sea lair latias/latios- watch tv or mix records with ruby/Sapphire Lugia/Ho-oh- event Pokemon Dyoxys- event Pokemon mew- event Pokemon

How do you get dyoxys Pokemon white?

I'm sorry but it is impossible without a cheating device or an impromptu Nintendo Event

Where is the emerald in pkemon emerald?

its not an emerald its RAYQUAZA the main legendary Pokemon in Pokemon emerald.

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You cannot get a Yanma in Pokemon Emerald, as only Hoenn Region Pokemon can be found in Pokemon Emerald.

Where is dyoxys?

hes in birth island

Where can you watch Pokemon movie 3?

you can try a website called loombo you can watch any movie on it like destiny dyoxys the power of one Pokemon 4ever Pokemon ranger and the temple of the sea you can also watch stuff like dispacble me

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There is no PalPark in Pokemon Emerald.

Which is better pokemon emerald or pokemon leafgreen?

emerald no doubt

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