Dratini can be found by using the Super Rod in the area behind the Waterfall in Mt Coronet.
Train a dratini to level 35 then train dragonair to level 55.
To obtain Dratini in Pokemon Diamond/Pearl: D: Mount Coronet (2nd time) 4FL (1) (Super Rod) P: Mount Coronet (2nd time) 4FL (1) (Super Rod) -OR- GBA Duel Slot Mainly FireRed or LeafGreen
You can not evolve a dratini with a stone but a dratini evolves in level 100
Dratini evolves into Dragonair at level 30, Dragonair into Dragonite at level 55, and Dragonite doesn't evolve.
in 1 of the water maps you will find a dratini.
when you have a master rod use it in mt coronet and a dratini may appear
u need nat. dex
I dont know but you can all ways maicreat it
Train a dratini to level 35 then train dragonair to level 55.
Go to Mt.Coronet and inside use surf. Then use a Super Rod and if you are lucky you will find a Dratini or Dragonair. Or maybe Gyarados.
It is located in Wild Horsea, Seadra, Dratini, Dragonair, and Bagon. 5%.
you can get a gyarados,magikarp,lumineon,dratini,i think that's all
the only way is to evole dratini into one. Dratini evolves to Dragonair at Lv.30 and then into Dragonite at Lv.55
The only way to get a Dragonite in Diamond is to transfer it in from GBA games, Get it in trade, Or to catch a Dratini behind the waterfall in Mount Cornet. I have a Dragonite, I've had it since it was a lvl 12 Dratini, Its now lvl 83! ;) Good Luck! Oh, Dragonair evolves in Dragonite at level 55
To obtain Dratini in Pokemon Diamond/Pearl: D: Mount Coronet (2nd time) 4FL (1) (Super Rod) P: Mount Coronet (2nd time) 4FL (1) (Super Rod) -OR- GBA Duel Slot Mainly FireRed or LeafGreen
Answer:Yes, in Mt. Coronet, 4th Floor above and below the waterfall. Use the Super Rod while surfing and you'll find level 15-25 Dratini at a 30% chance.