you can't do it if you are a nonmember you can only do it to subscribe or pay crowns
The bosses are General Akilles and Eyus Maximus.
you can buy a 10 dollar or a 20 dollar card
do all the quests of nolan stormgate on cyclops lane, private Quinn on firecat alley, Stephanie gryphonbane on Triton avenue, ceren nightchant on unicorn way, and the headmaster. once you've completed cyclops lane, firecat alley and Triton avenue(ignore the sidequests if you like) you will be told to a)help out in collosus boulevard b)defeat foulgaze collosus boulevard is optional. defeat foulgaze, return to headmaster. you will be told to defeat lord nightshade. talk to the headmaster and you'll get to go to krokotopia! good luck! wat
To enter bartleby, you have to beat firecat alley and cyclops lane both then headmaster ambrose tells you to beat foulgaze, then lord nightshade, then after you have beaten them both, nightside(the death school under the waterfall)and bartleby are opened
you can't cyclops isin't in the psp version of the game
It is in Firecat Alley and Cyclops Lane. ( By the way, those 2 places are in Olde Town and you have to pay crowns or become a member to get into Firecat Alley and Cyclops Lane. ) ~Mackenzie Deathcaller....... Level 10 ; Death Student
you must pay with crowns or get the membership
You must pay crowns.
cyclopys lane e fayrecat alley
he is a cyclopes general who is in cyclops lane
no you have to be level 15
They are in the Dark Caves (in Firecat Alley and Cyclops Lane)
Firecat Alley, Cyclops Lane and the Dark Cave.
The bosses are General Akilles and Eyus Maximus.
Triton avenue,Fire cat alley, Cyclops Lane
no way. you have to pay
you go to cyclops lane and open up the big boxes