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To enter bartleby, you have to beat firecat alley and cyclops lane both then headmaster ambrose tells you to beat foulgaze, then lord nightshade, then after you have beaten them both, nightside(the death school under the waterfall)and bartleby are opened

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Q: How do you enter bartleby in wizard 101?
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you go into bartleby and enter through the door. and wizard 101 getts really boaring after a while.

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Once you are ready to go off to Krokotopia, Professor Ambrose will give you a key and ask you to enter.

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There is a teleporter inside bartleby that can take you the but you have to pay 900 crowns to unlock it

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I'm not entirely sure because I'm not very high in level but I think you are supposed to finish all main quests then there should be a spiral you step on in front on Bartleby.

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See my answer in How do you get to other worlds in wizard 101? See my answer in How do you get to other worlds in wizard 101?

Were is krckotopia in wizard 101?

Go to the world tree (bartleby) and go to the door, press x and then it will show all the available places to go to. You can find krokotopia only if you get the quest, btw bartleby is in ravenwood.

Where is the spiral chamber in wizard 101?

It is inside The grandfather tree, Bartleby in raven wood. You can access raven wood by going through the commons.

How do you enter bartleby the grandfather tree in wizard101?

You can enter Bartleby after you unlock Krokotopia.

How do you enter the hall of champions in wizard 101?

It is in Krokotopia in the Krokosphinx.

Do you press enter to finish a sentence on wizard 101?

Yes, you hit enter when finished with a sentence in your chat box

How come in wizard 101 you cant enter the Pet pavilion?

You can enter it. Your computer could be loading it so you have to wait.

What is the next project for wizard 101?

The next project for wizard 101 is the oppsite of wizard 101.So its the bad side of wizard 101.