You can get one from a Carvanha, or Sharpedo. Both have a 5% chance of holding one. Good luck, get catching!
Trade it holding the DeepSeaTooth or the DeepSeaScale. DeepSeaTooth will give you Huntail, DeepSeaScale will give you Gorebyss.
The only Pokemon that evolves with the deepseatooth is Clamperl, who, using the deepseatooth, evolves into Huntail.
Clamperl evolves by holding a DeepSeaScale or a DeepSeaTooth and then trading it to another game, a DeepSeaTooth evolves it into a Huntail and a DeepSeaScale evolves it into a Gorebyss.
You must have a clamperl and let it hold the deepseatooth/deepseascale. Then, trade clamperl. If clamperl is holding the deepseatooth,it will evolve to Huntail. If it was deepseascale, it will evolve to a Gorebyss.
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Trade it holding the DeepSeaTooth or the DeepSeaScale. DeepSeaTooth will give you Huntail, DeepSeaScale will give you Gorebyss.
The only Pokemon that evolves with the deepseatooth is Clamperl, who, using the deepseatooth, evolves into Huntail.
Clamperl when traded
The deepseaclaw is not an item there is a deepseascale and deepseatooth.
In Pokemon emerald, ruby or sapphire: Get a Camperl and a Deepseatooth, equip it to Camperl, and trade it. It will instantly evolve into Huntail. Be careful, if you've already chosen the Deepseascale, you cannot get a Deepseatooth.
FIrst you must get a scanner. Then you give it to a guy in the slateport port. He will let you choose between deepseatooth and deepseascale.
If given to clampearl then traded it will become huntail.
Either in Route 13 or Route 17.
Clamperl evolves by holding a DeepSeaScale or a DeepSeaTooth and then trading it to another game, a DeepSeaTooth evolves it into a Huntail and a DeepSeaScale evolves it into a Gorebyss.
you trade holding deepseatooth or deepseascale. they are held by wild pkmnFirst you get a clamperl holding deep sea tooth (huntail) or deep sea scale (gorebyss) and trade it.
You get it in Slateport City, by Capt. Stern. Hope I helped :)