Yo have to get a fossil then you take it to the museum in Pewter City and there should be a scientist on the right who will tell you if you have any fossils.
in soul silver
you don't have friend codes in soul silver.
Zorua is a 5th generation Pokemon it is not available in soul silver.
sorry you have to trade it to Pokemon soul silver
you can not get regirock in soul silver but in platinum you can in a special event.
sometimes in the ruins of alph use rock smash on the rocks there a lot.
Aerodactle, omanyte, kabuto, lilleep, anorith, but not sheildon or cranidos
in soul silver
Neither. The new game is called Soul Silver, not Silver Soul.
no such thing not in soul silver
As in soul silver? Yes you can is soul silver. At the bottom of seafoam islands.
Soul silver is AWESOMENESS!! yes GET IT
Professor Rowan isn't in Soul silver
you can't ice fossils in soul silver
you don't have friend codes in soul silver.
you can't its only available in heart gold. Just like for soul silver you can only get the red orb in soul silver