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in route 111 desert you find mirage tower before that you should have a Pokemon which has rock smash and a mach bike go to the top and you can find two fossils pick up root fossil and go to rustboro city and go inside a building and in 2 floor you will see a man talk to him and give him the fossil and he will bring the Pokemon alive in lv1 evolve it i think it will avolve at 40 to cradily

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Q: How do you get cradily in Pokemon emerald?
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At what level does Lileep evolve into Cradily in Pokemon Emerald?

It evolves at level 40.

Where can you find cradily in pokemon emerald?

cradily can not be cough he can only be found in rute 111 in the sand tower, you have to take the fossal at the top to a scientist in rustboro in the castle a the back and he will turn it back into lilpy which then evoles into cradily

What are the Pokemon that come out of the fossils in emerald?

The fossil Pokemon available in Pokemon Emerald include Anorith, revived from the Claw Fossil, and Lileep, revived from the Root Fossil.

Where to catch cradily in Pokemon Emerald?

You can't capture cradily to get one find the root fossil and give it to one of the scientists in the Devon corp in rustboro city the scientist will turn it into lileep train lileep to level 40 to get cradily.

What type of Pokemon is Cradily?

Cradily is a Rock and Grass type pokemon.

Where do you get cradily in Pokemon sapphire?

Cradily is the evolved form of Lilleep, which is from the root fossil. If you got the claw fossil in the desert, you cannot get Cradily unless you trade. For emerald, you can go to the end of the tunnel in the digger's house (1st house west of fallarbor town) after defeating the Champion.

Pokemon Cradily move tactics in emerald?

It is rock and grass, so anything rock or grass type will make it more powerful! :)

What pokemon evolves into cradily in pokemon sapphire?

Lileep is the Pokémon that evolves into Cradily.

What level are stevens pokemon on emerald?

Skarmory: 77 Claydol: 75 Metagross: 78 Armaldo: 76 Cradily: 76 Aggron: 76

How do you get cradily in Pokemon Sapphire?

Cradily can only be obtained in Pokemon Sapphire by evoling a Lileep. Lileeps can be obtained by resurrecting a Root Fossil.

What Pokemon will breed with cradily in Pokemon ruby?

breed it with another cradily or a diddo. thank you for reading i hope you get what you need. BLUEBERRY SIGHING OFF.

How do you find cradily in Pokemon Sapphire?

You can't find cradily you must train lileep to level 40.