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go to barbiecheats/ and search up jet set style. thats it

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Q: How do you get codes for barbie jet set style?
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What is barbie jet set style code?

peanut butter

Are there any cheats for Barbie Jet Set and Style?

There are in fact multiple cheats for the beloved Barbie franchise Nintendo Wii game: Barbie: Jet, Set, and Style! The first of which being the unlock code that can unlock the Barbie super pink war tank with incinerator shells. With this code, Barbie can conquer the vietcong and crush any nationalist outbreaks within the Ottoman Empire when playing the middle eastern dlc pack. pls text or call the following number for the code: 8563409959

How do you Delet a saved and start a new game on barbie set and jet style?

You Start At The Menu And Go Into Options.There,You Will See "RESET DATA."Then,If You Click It,It Will Say "ARE U SURE?" And Then You Click "YES" And It Will Reset!

How come on jet set radio future cheats that are typed in don't work?

there are no jsrf codes and anyone who says there are are lying

When was Songs for the Jet Set created?

Songs for the Jet Set was created in 2002.

When did Jet Set Willy happen?

Jet Set Willy happened in 1984.

When was Jet Set Willy created?

Jet Set Willy was created in 1984.

When did Jet Set Radio happen?

Jet Set Radio happened in 2000.

When was Jet Set Satellite created?

Jet Set Satellite was created in 1998.

When was Mungolian Jet Set created?

Mungolian Jet Set was created in 2005.

When did Jet Set Racing happen?

Jet Set Racing happened in 2005.

When was Jet Set Men created?

Jet Set Men was created in 1999.