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Get a bit and girl chimecho give the girl a pure incense and put them in the day care

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Q: How do you get chingling eggs in Pokemon black?
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Where to get chingling in Pokemon Emerald?

you actually cant get chingling in ruby sapphire or emerald because chingling was introduced in the sinnoh after the hoenn. soz =(

What is Pokemon 47 in diamond?

Chingling is the 47th Pokemon in Pokemon Diamond.

What is the national pokedex number for Chingling?

Chingling is #433 in the national pokedex, and it is a Psychic type Pokemon.

Can chingling learn the move rock climb in Pokemon platinum?

chingling can't learn any hms.

What is a chimecho?

chimecho is the pokemon that evolves from chingling.

When does chingling evolve in Pokemon pearl?

Chingling must be leveled up at night with high happiness to become Chimecho.

When does chingling evolve in Pokemon Platinum?

a chingling evolves when it is has a lot of friendship so i would catch it with a luxury ball

When does a chingling evolve on Pokemon platinum?

Chingling evolves to Chimecho at NIGHT when its HAPPY use a lot of carbs and stuff- it will help.

What level does chingling evolve at on Pokemon pearl?

Chingling must be leveled up at night with high happiness to become Chimecho.