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I'm not sure if it depends on the game or not, but I think you can only get Chimchar as your main-character Pokemon

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Q: How do you get chimchar in Pokemon Mystery Dungeon?
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How do you be chimchar in Pokemon Mystery Dungeon?

You can't because as I've already said that chimchar is a sinnoh Pokemon and you can't get sinnoh Pokemon on Mystery Dungeons.

How can you be a Chimchar in Pokemon Mystery Dungeon explorers of darkness?

To be a Chimchar in Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Darkness, you need to choose Chimchar as your starter Pokemon at the beginning of the game. Chimchar is one of the options available when you start the game, so simply select Chimchar to play as that Pokemon throughout your adventure.

How do you get become chimchar in Pokemon Mystery Dungeon explorers sky?

get to the dark crater ther its chimchar.

How can you be chimchar in Pokemon Mystery Dungeon exsplorers of darkness?

In Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Darkness, you cannot choose Chimchar as a starter Pokemon at the beginning of the game. However, you can find Chimchar later in the game and recruit it to join your team through various dungeon exploration missions. Keep exploring dungeons and recruit Chimchar when you encounter it as a wild Pokemon.

What answers do you pick to get chimchar in Pokemon Mystery Dungeon?

Penis power!

In Pokemon mystery dungeon darkness is munchlax and chimchar a good team?

wodit be better to swap chimchar for mudkip

What nature do you have to be a chimchar in Pokemon Mystery Dungeon explorers of sky?

if you are a female you have to be brave nature

Can you become a chimchar in Pokemon Mystery Dungeon explorers of sky?

Yes, he/she can be a starter or your partner.

Who is the best starter Pokemon in Pokemon mystery dungeon 3 amongst the fire starters?

Obviously chimchar. better hp.

In Pokemon Mystery Dungeon explorers of darkness how do you get chimchar?

In Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Darkness, Chimchar can be chosen as a starter Pokemon at the beginning of the game. During the personality test, selecting answers that match a "lively" or "enthusiastic" personality may increase your chances of getting Chimchar as your starter Pokemon.

How do you beat Thunderwave Cave in Pokemon Blue Mystery Dungeon?

yoe need a chimchar a pickachu and a aron

How do you defeat dusknoir in Pokemon Mystery Dungeon darkness?

if your chimchar just keep using flame wheel