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You can catch Budew in SoulSilver in the Ilex and Viridian Forests as well as in the Safari Zone. You need to be playing the Sinnoh Sound radio station in order for it to appear in the Forests however the Sinnoh Sound station is only available on Thursdays.

In the Safari Zone, Budew can be found on the rocky beach area which is the area that looks like a darker small mountain platform with grass patches at the top and a body of water at tthe bottom of the 4-row grass patch. After placing 18 Forest Objects in this area, Budew will appear but it will only appear in this area.

In the Forest area which is the area with trees and various grass patches, after placing 24 Plain Objects in this area then Budew will appear.
You can find it in the Ilex forest its about a 20% rarity and Viridian Forest 20% again

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Q: How do you get budew in Pokemon SoulSilver?
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What type of Pokemon is Budew?

Pokemon usually say what their name is. For example Pikachu says Pikachu when it talks, Budew says Budew.

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You can only get it by evolving Budew.

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Yes, there are Sinnoh Pokémon HeartGold and SoulSilver. Kricketot, Buneary, Shinx, Luxio, Budew, Buizel, Floatzel, Chingling, Bronzor, Bronzong, Chatot, Carnivine, Pachirisu, Riolu, Skorupi, Hippopotas, Gible and Croagunk are all available in the wild in both HeartGold and SoulSilver.

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Budew can be found in Ilex Forest and Viridian Forest.

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Budew evolves in level 22 into Roselia...

What two Pokemon make a budew egg?

You must have a FEMALE Budew / Roselia / Roserade, and a pokemon of the opposite sex, I would suggest getting a ditto, therefore whether the Budew / Roselia / Roserade is male or female, the egg will always turn out Budew.

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How do you get a budew in Pokemon pearl?

Have 1 Female budew and any male Pokemon then goto solaceon town Take the female budew and your male Pokemon and drop them off in the daycare.-note may take 1-2 days to work in Game days.Note the Pokemon will be whatever its mother was

Pokemon pearl what level does budew evolve?

Budew evolves via happiness. Depending on how happy it is, Budew could evolve at any level.

What level does Budew evolve?

Budew is a hippie pokemon, and evolves with freindship. Personally I think the whole "evolve with friendship" is BS! Pokemon is just a waste of my f***in time!

What pokemon use sun stone?

Budew in Pokemon white and a flower Pokemon in the older Pokemon games