Braviary is the evolution of Rufflet. You can find Rufflet on Route 10 or Victory Road. You can find Braviary without evolving Rufflet. It is on the Village Bridge after you beat the game. Rufflet evolves at level 53.
Braviary is a Normal and Flying type pokemon.
You have to get it in a trade. Rufflet and Braviary are not available in Black.
u can find Braviary on route 11 btw can someone send me a braviary or a Rufflet? rios ID Number: 48924 friend code : 2580 2769 6524
Rufflet (Pre-Evolution of Braviary) is only available on Pokemon White Version
It cannot learn it. And that's that!
No, Braviary cannot evolve any further.
Braviary is a Normal and Flying type pokemon.
You have to get it in a trade. Rufflet and Braviary are not available in Black.
Braviary is the birthday Pokemon for August, so you are a Braviary :D
Rufflet and Braviary are exclusive to Pokemon White. You'll have to trade.
Braviary is #628 in the national pokedex, and it is a Normal-Flying type Pokemon.
u can find Braviary on route 11 btw can someone send me a braviary or a Rufflet? rios ID Number: 48924 friend code : 2580 2769 6524
Rufflet evolves into Braviary at Level 54. Braviary does not have any other evolutionary stages.
Braviary can only be found in Pokémon White Version on Route 11 and on the Village Bridge. If you want a Braviary in Pokémon Black Version you will have to trade with someone that has obtained it in Pokémon White Version.
Braviary's best move is superpower. Superpower hits the sp.attack side but Braviary's stats are pretty high also Braviary is attack mostly. If you want your Braviary to be a beast but on draco meteor. Item= choice specs because Braviary loves to strike first and if you make it, it will unleash full power from the beginning of the battle. Mine is Moves: Superpower Draco meteor Thunder Brave Bird It's shiny with the ability "speed boost"
Rufflet (Pre-Evolution of Braviary) is only available on Pokemon White Version