You can catch Bottles while fishing with the Fishing Rod and snag them in Fishing Traps.
You can buy Harvest Moon DS cute online or at game stop! You can get it used for around $18-$23 and new from $29-$33.
to connect you need both games and a ds or ds light [a dsi or dsxl dose not work] you put both games in the system game boy game in the game boy slot and the ds game in the ds slot] and play harvest moon ds cute. it also tells you how to do this in the harvest moon ds cute guide. it only connects to harvest moon ds cute because harvest moon more friends of mineral town is older and can not connect to a new anything because the programing did not exist before it came out
In all the harvest moon games, except for one, you can not have more than one child. In the new Wii game, Harvest moon : Animal Parade, you can in fact have two children. The only thing is, is that among those two children, you can only have a young child and a older child, you cant have both be the same age. You CAN choose the gender like the rest of the Harvest moon games, or you can ask the spouse if what he/she wants.
To erase a file on Harvest Moon Friends of Mineral Town Or More Friends of Mineral Town You have to start a new file and save it on the file you want to delete! Simple????
start a new game and choose to overwrite the information
if it is harvest moon ds you get it at the start.
from harvest moon island of happiness the new characters are lily and will
Yes, there will be.
Harvest Moon Grand Bazaar is 30.00$ new. You can get it cheaper if you buy a used copy.
There are a few ways to get bricks. You can sometimes find them in stumps, by hitting the Giving Trees, on the floor of the mine, and by hitting the rocks in the mine.
You can't
you get one at the start
Yes, the moon continues to cycle through its phases after the Harvest Moon. The moon wanes as it moves towards the new moon phase and then starts waxing again towards another full moon.
No. Harvest Moons are full, while solar eclipses can only happen at the new moon.
Not really. It came out in 2008.
In the original Harvest Moon DS, you can only play as a boy. However, a new version of the game called Harvest Moon DS Cute. (The only difference between the two games are what gender you play as and who you can marry.)
I would say if you live in north America EB games is the best place for used and new harvest moon games