To erase a file on Harvest Moon Friends of Mineral Town Or More Friends of Mineral Town You have to start a new file and save it on the file you want to delete! Simple????
no your fomt charter is dead but your fomt is not to delte after conecting to hm fomt to hm ds
yes there is here are some links i found for Harvest moon more friends of mineral town and if you dont wana use em then dont xD
you go down to erase then press a and select a file
If you want to erase a save file on Pokemon Platinum, while in your game, try to save on the game that you are playing. If you already have a save file, it will tell you how to erase your save file. Keep checking back, and I can figure out a better way.Thanks, and enjoy!-PocketFroggys (with help of TurtwigPrinplups)
No, but you can save over them.
no your fomt charter is dead but your fomt is not to delte after conecting to hm fomt to hm ds
I think you have a problem with your game? but if you're using computer why don't you try saving it to the FILE then SAVE GAME.
The only way to meet the Mineral Town characters is to connect your Harvest Moon DS Cute game with Harvest Moon Friends of Mineral Town or More Friends of Mineral Town. To do that take your Mineral Town game and insert it into the GBA slot of your DS. If you do not have a copy of one of thOse games or you do not have a DS with GBA slot you can not meet the Mineral Town characters.
yes there is here are some links i found for Harvest moon more friends of mineral town and if you dont wana use em then dont xD
you go down to erase then press a and select a file
If you erase your Pokemon file on any Pokemon game it is impossible to bring it back.
Click the file and look around see erase then click it
click new file
it tells you how
Like any kind of file on a computer, a htm file can be erased.
If you want to erase a save file on Pokemon Platinum, while in your game, try to save on the game that you are playing. If you already have a save file, it will tell you how to erase your save file. Keep checking back, and I can figure out a better way.Thanks, and enjoy!-PocketFroggys (with help of TurtwigPrinplups)