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You have to catch one in emerald after the elite four in Pokemon emerald and you have to trade the other lati from Pokemon sapphire or ruby.

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Q: How do you get both latis on Pokemon Emerald?
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Can you get both latis in Pokemon emerald?


Can you get both latis on Pokemon emerald without mixing records with Pokemon Ruby and Sapphire?

yes but you have to go to an event to get the eon ticket or go on eBay and buy the eon ticket but you also have to buy a scanner type deal to hook up to your gba and download it onto the game

Where southern island in Pokemon Emerald?

If you have the eon ticket bring it to the slateport city port ride the SS tidal to southern island where you can get latias or latios depending which color you choose when you beat the game, also a item called soul dew will be there which will increase your latis strength but only the latis.

What is the rarest Pokemon in Pokemon sapphire?

In my opinion the Latis are the rarest and hardest to find and capture in sapphire version. In Emerald I would say it is Deoxys because you need to go on the spaceship when the guy says 100 flights.

Pokemon Emerald secret islands?

There are two islands that are very rare and secret in Pokemon Emerald. The Southern Island that holds Latis or Latios that can only be reached with a Infinity ticket. The Mirage Island can only be reach if the right circumstances are met in game. The game will generate a number once a day and if the last digits match that of the friendship level of your Pokemon will the island appear.

Where can you get Latis and Latios in Pokemon mystery dungoen?

you can get latis at happy outlook (I don't have the game any more soo ya you can get latios at spacil rift AFTER YOU FINISH THE GAME

Is Pokemon Emerald and pokemon ruby the same?

No. There are several differences. I'll only explain 2 of them. First of all, in Pokemon Emerald you get the abilty to clone Pokemon. The second difference is that Pokemon Emerald have both Pokemon exclusives in Ruby and Sapphire such as having both Kyogre and Groudon.

How do you migrate Pokemon from emerald to pearl?

have Pokemon pearl and emerald both in the ds. it will say migrate from emerald on the Pokemon pearl screen. that`s all you need to know.

After you watch the news cast on latios or latias can you go and defeat the elite four or do you have to catch latios or latias first in Pokemon emerald?

If you saw the news on latios/latias that means you have already defeated the elite four and now you can catch the latis, you can still beat the elite four if you want but for fun catch the latis then destroy the elite four with them.

Can you get both latias and latios on emerald?

It is possible, but you can't catch them both on 1 Pokemon game. If you have Pokemon Emerald, Ruby and or Sapphire. Then you can get them both. For example: Someone trade Latios and you have Latias, trade an another Pokemon for Latios and you have them both.

What Pokemon is in the egg that the old woman gives you in emerald?

If you are speaking of the egg that the lady gives you near the hot springs then the Pokemon is a wynaut. It is a pretty crappy Pokemon until you train it to level 18 when it evolves into a wobbufett. The wynaut will most likely have shadow tag which is helpful with the latis since it prevents escape!

Can you get both latios and latias in Pokemon emerald?
