well you will have to pass the beta test and the beta tester badge in oct 10 2008
username: FireDude929Password: Undestroyablemicrochip
Beta shop was deleted after the game was pronounced released. Although the shop was deleted, the Beta Berserker remains in game.
its only availble in beta version but can buy undead berserker armor in the evil shop at shadow fall(500 ac) or if its the class you are after you can buy it for 5000 gold at upgrade shop in battleon.
Upgrade shop
username: FireDude929Password: Undestroyablemicrochip
Beta shop was deleted after the game was pronounced released. Although the shop was deleted, the Beta Berserker remains in game.
The Berserker class can be found in the upgrade shop in Battleon.The Beta Berserker class is RARE and was only available during beta testing.The Undead Berserker armor can be found in the evil shop in Shadowfall.Note: The Undead Berserker Armor is only available to evil players and costs 1,000 ACs.
its only availble in beta version but can buy undead berserker armor in the evil shop at shadow fall(500 ac) or if its the class you are after you can buy it for 5000 gold at upgrade shop in battleon.
Vindicator of they Dragonlord Ninja Chrono(corruptor)(mancer) (Beta) Berserker Necromancer Troll Spellsmith Horc Evader
Upgrade shop
The Beta Berserker class was given to Beta-testers and is no longer available.
You can't unless you participated in Beta Tests. The Beta Berserker armor is rare and no longer available normally. If you participated in the Beta Tests then you can click on the 'Beta Tester' badge in your book to acces the shop.
There is none. That was a beta item!
It is in the Beta Shop Book of Lore, but you can only access it if you have the Beta Tester achievement.
During 'Beta' Beta Berserker is able to be purchased for 100,000 gold