You need Gloom (evolve from Oddish at lv21), give it Sun Stone (from someone at Lilycove City, at Space Center)
It'll evolve into Bellosom. I love Bellosom, it's beautiful+cute, as same as me! xD
Bellossom can be obtained by evolving a gloom with a sunstone.
Roselia, Bellossom or Sceptile.
Raise an oddish to evolve to gloom, or catch a gloom in the safari zone, then evolve it with a sun stone. You should get bellossom.
To evolve certain pokemon. Eg a gloom into a bellossom
gloom evolves into a vileplume with a leaf stone and into bellossom with a sun stone
Bellossom can be obtained by evolving a gloom with a sunstone.
Sunkern -> Sunflora Gloom -> Bellossom
Sunker to Sunflora and Gloom to Bellossom
Roselia, Bellossom or Sceptile.
Raise an oddish to evolve to gloom, or catch a gloom in the safari zone, then evolve it with a sun stone. You should get bellossom.
To evolve certain pokemon. Eg a gloom into a bellossom
sunkern to sunflora (trade from emerald) gloom to bellossom
Only with stones. leaf stone> vileplume sun stone> bellossom
Sunkern evolves into Sunflora using it and Gloom evolves into Bellossom using it.
gloom evolves into a vileplume with a leaf stone and into bellossom with a sun stone
Bellossom doesn't evolve.
Bellossom is currently not able to evolve by any evolution method. However to get Bellossom you need to use a Sun Stone on a Gloom to evolve it into Bellossom.