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First:Get a Pokemon that knows HeadButt. second:HeadButt a tree until you see Pineco .Third:get Pineco and evolve it to Foretress (I don't know how to get it so go to serbii net) Finally:Give Foretress to Steven in Silph co. and Beldum is Yours ! Note.Make Fortress LV.98 then give it to Steven for LV.98 Beldum then Make it 2 Levels Higher then teach it good moves for an Amazing LV.100 MetaGross. Enjoy!(Created By Dragonite999)

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Q: How do you get beldum in Pokemon SoulSilver?
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What level does a beldum evolve in Pokemon soulsilver?

Beldum evolves at level 20.

What happens after you get beldum in Pokemon SoulSilver?

you must train it to a mettagross and show it to the guy that gave you that beldum.

Where is steven when he gives you beldum in Pokemon soulsilver?

In Saffron City

Where do you catch matang in Pokemon SoulSilver?

I don't think you can. I think you have to catch beldum first and then level it up to like lv. 45

What area in the safari zone is beldum located in Pokemon soulsilver?

you dont find it in the safari zone, yo trade steven for a foretress

What type of Pokemon is beldum?

Beldum is a Steel and Psychic type pokemon.

Where is silph co in Pokemon SoulSilver?

Saffron city. Bring a Forretress because Steven will trade one for a Beldum and that is A SWEET deal.

Where do you find beldum in Pokemon Vortex?

you will find beldum in the cave

Where can you get a beldum in Pokemon SoulSilver?

headbutt a tree,catch a pinceo,evolve it,go 2 silph co.,talk 2 steven and he will trade your fortress for his beldem

What is beldum?

a Beldum is a Pokemon that floats. Its was a Iron Ball Pokemon. They communicate by making magnetic sounds.

How do you get beldum on Pokemon platinum?

Beldum Is Located At Route 220-229.

When does beldum evolve in Pokemon Emerald?

Beldum evolves at Level 20.