in the north side of the park there is a guy who plays gameboy. right next to him there is a hole in the fence. you can go through that hole and behind the fence. GOOD LUCK!!!
if you look closely at the ribbon place on one side of the fence is shorter and you can get though there and get the pokeballs
National Park bug catching contest on the Thursday on between 1 - 3 pm and levels 26 - 30 in the far back patch towards the fence opening. It's quite hard to find.
Well... in the lumber shed behind your house if you press (A) you will get a peice of wood called a 'stake' and you collect these and just drop them where you need a fence.
check trash cans for hidden switches
its in the national park in the very southwest corner of it behind the fence.
WHEn you get the dowsing machine go to the national park in soul silver and the soothe bell is behind the fence closest to the entrance to route 36.
the schoolyard, behind the fence
The soothe bell is in National Park behind the far right fence you can get there by going to the top right, next to the guy with his game in his handsThe soothe bell is in the national park by the exit kind of.
Dig can be easily found behind the fence in National Park.To get behind the fence, follow the path to the northpart of the park, then move directly right until you see a Pokemon trainer. The fence opening will be right next to him. When in the opening, go left then south. Don't go right. Go to the left tree and look on your DS closely for a red tint near the tree. Press the A button. You will get a message saying you have gotten the Dig move!
if you look closely at the ribbon place on one side of the fence is shorter and you can get though there and get the pokeballs
Wormadam It can be found in Route 214 A Trainer that's a girl with blonde hair (Behind a fence Easy to avoid Her)
pick it up or if its a high fence climb over the fence
What You Do is Go To Valley Windworks.Then Surf Behind To The Fence Next To The Building.There Are Two Pokeballs One Is An Electirizer And The Other Is TM28 Thunderbolt.
There is no back door to the Dusk Factory- go behind it and capture Meowth, then use it to cut down the fence inside the door to the right.
What i did to get the electrizer is go to valley windworks.Then used surf behind the fence next to the building.There are two pokeballs.The one next to the windmill is the electrizer and the one behind the building is TM 24 Thunderbolt.
A dog