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If you're talking about the Sevii Islands, and you're talking about LeafGreen, just go to Vermilion and talk to the guy on the dock. He'll ask you which of the islands you want to go to.

If you actually ARE talking about Pokemon Green, which is unlikely, because it's a Japanese-exclusive game that isn't even sold anymore, I assume it's the same thing, or at least similar. Pokemon Blue and Red (english) are based on Pokemon Green and Blue(japanese), and Pokemon FireRed and LeafGreen are based on Pokemon Red and Blue(english). Maybe some lost in translation stuff going on, but you'll figure it out.

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Q: How do you get back to the islands Pokemon green?
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if this is for leaf green i think no Pokemon are on 7 islands but islands 8 and 9 there are lugia and ho oh good luck

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You get the Rainbow Pass from Bill in order to have access to the other four islands in the sevii islands.

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How do you get to johto region on Pokemon LeafGreen?

Johto is inaccessible on Leaf Green although Islands Four to Seven contain Johto Pokemon.

How do you get to go to island 8-9?

there is no island 8 or ninie in Pokemon fire red or leaf green or any other Pokemon fire red and leaf green there is only islands 1,2,3.get further in the game and you'll go to islands 4,5,6,7.

Where can you buy ultra balls in Pokemon leaf green?

Cinnibar island, Fuschia city, the Pokemon league and two island and the other islands.

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from vermillion city where ss anne was