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go to vermilion city and fly to pewter city

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Q: How do you get back to pewter city from island one?
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Where are all the badges in the blue Pokemon?

You have to beat the gym leaders to get the badges. The first one is in Pewter City, the second in Cerulean City, then Vermillion City, then Celadon City, then Sapphron City, then Fuscia City, then Cinnabar Island, then Viridian City.

How do you catch a Starly at on soul silver?

you need to use headbutt in one of the trees in pewter city (were brok is)

Where is steven after you catch latias or latios in Pokemon heartgold?

In the pewter city museum. to get his attantion you must bring walking latias ( heartgold) or latios ( soulsilver ) with a soul dew from a mystery gift. then he will take you to saffron city. he will talk to you for a while. then he will go back to pewter then show you latios ( heartgold ) or latias ( soulsilver ) outside of the museum. then after you defeat or catch one of eon Pokemon that's the last of him.

Where is diglett cave in heartgold?

There are two entrances to Diglett Cave. One is East of Vermillion City, the other South of Pewter City. -Pokemon Guru

How do you get to pewter city on Pokemon heart-gold and soul-silver?

this is easy. after fixing the power plant problem, you go to the radio tower. the man (old looking) gives you a fute radio station app on your radio on your pokegear. go to the snorlax then play that radio station, he will awake and will fight you. CATCH HIM hes the only one the the game, then you will go through digletts cave and arrive in PEWTER, oh and remember go to the seafoam island when you visit cinnabar island,

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Pokemon soul silver where to find the tower in pewter?

There is no tower in Pewter City. Pewter City only contains one spot of interest, which is the Museum. There is no tower in existence there.

Where do you find the 7 gym leader in the region Kanto on Pokemon heart gold?

Vermillion City - Lt Surge Saffron City - Sabrina Celadon City - Erika Cerulean City - Misty Fuchsia City - Janine Pewter City - Brock Seaform Island - Blaine The last one you go to Cinnabar island with 15 badges and talk to blue then head back to Viridian City - Blue

Where are all the badges in the blue Pokemon?

You have to beat the gym leaders to get the badges. The first one is in Pewter City, the second in Cerulean City, then Vermillion City, then Celadon City, then Sapphron City, then Fuscia City, then Cinnabar Island, then Viridian City.

Old amber FireRed?

Go into the pewter city museum but not in the front entrance, use Cut to lead you to the back entrance and talk to the scientists one of them will give you an old amber take that to the cinnibar island lab to be ressurected into Aerodactyl.

Where are all the gyms in pokemon firered?

One is in viridian city, Another in pewter city, Another in cerulean city, another in vermilion city, another in celadon city, another in fuchsia city, another in saffron city, and another at cinnibar island.

How do you get back to celadon city while you are at one island Pokemon fire red?

Use the ship that lead you to one island to go back to vermilion city then from there you can use Fly to reach celadon city.

How do you get back onto one island?

take the ferry back from one of the other islands or vermillion city

How do you get to Pewter City Vermillion City Cinnabar Island and Cerulan City?

to pewter city, go pass the virdian forest and north to cerulan city, go pass mt. moon and keep goin east wen you are out of mt. moon to vermillion, go to the dungeon or watever house that is a small one (not the big retangular one) south of cerulean city and keep going south and u'll encounter some trainers but w/e u'll make it there cinnabar island, go to ur home and use surf and keep going south

How do you unlock the pewter city gym doors in Pokemon leaf green?

inside the cinnabar mansion deep underground you will find a secret key use that to open cinnabar gym and after you beat the gym bill will come and take you to the sevii islands go with him one gone back to cinnabar island go to viridian city and it will be open if you want go to psypokes for a walkthrough

Why is the Hoenn champion in the pewter city museum?

Nobody knows except the one's who made it

Where is the guy in saffron city at the silph co building to get mudkip?

After you get one of the hoenn starters from him, he goes to the museum in pewter city. He also goes back to the silph co. building, depending on the time of day. When he is back in the big building, he wants to trade a forretress for a beldum.

Where do you get a silver wing in gold?

the dude on the hill in pewter city will give you one. hope this helped:-)