Using Rock Smash in certain places (Ruins of Alph, the Cliff Cave, Cianwood City, Dark Cave, Rock Tunnel, Route 19, Vermillion City, and Victory Road)
In HG/SS you trade Shards for Berries. Trade with Jugglers in Violet City and Fuchsia City.
You can get them using the dowsing MCHN on the Pokewalker or you have a chance of getting them by using Rock Smash on any rock (You can get red, blue, green and yellow shards this way as well as heart scales, revives, max ethers, and fossils).
In Violet City or Fuschia City, there is a man with blond, spiked hair. He will trade you shards for berries (three berries for each shard). Each shard gives you a specific type of berry.
The weirdo next to the Pokemon center in violet city(you need shards) inside rocks,pokewalker,trades,held items(mostly bidoofs)inside pokeballs.
Red Shard Blue Shard Yellow Shard Green Shard Violet City and Fuchsia City
The pokewalker and the ruins of alph.
In HG/SS you trade Shards for Berries. Trade with Jugglers in Violet City and Fuchsia City.
You can get them using the dowsing MCHN on the Pokewalker or you have a chance of getting them by using Rock Smash on any rock (You can get red, blue, green and yellow shards this way as well as heart scales, revives, max ethers, and fossils).
yes, you get them by breaking rocks with rock smash, usually at the ruins of alph. you can also get elexirs, revives, shards, and, unfortunatly, geodude. You revive them at the pewter city mueseum.
In Violet City or Fuschia City, there is a man with blond, spiked hair. He will trade you shards for berries (three berries for each shard). Each shard gives you a specific type of berry.
you can trade them with the guy in front of the Pokemon center in violet city and he gives you 3 different berries for each shard
The green shard can be traded for a leaf stone if you talk to the Treasure Hunter on Route 124. Any shards can be traded in for an evolution stone. Yellow Shards = Thunderstones Blue Shards = Water Stones Red Shards = Fire Stones Green Shards = Leaf Stones However there are no shards that allow you to receive a Moon Stone.
There is no underground because you are in a different region. Only Sinnoh region has the underground, You have to find shards and heart scales in rocks. To do that you have to use rock smash.
The weirdo next to the Pokemon center in violet city(you need shards) inside rocks,pokewalker,trades,held items(mostly bidoofs)inside pokeballs.
They can't be bought. You can find them underwater, or attached to wild pokemon. Chinchou have yellow shards, Clamperl have blue shards, Relicanth have green shards and Corsola have red shards.
Yes there are shards in Pokemon diamond
I saw shards in the driveway.