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If you go to your room, there will be a little map in the upper left-hand corner. Click on it. In the little window that pops up, click the "add room" button. From there you choose what type of room you want and you can put it connected anywhere to one of your other rooms. These are the types of rooms:

Small room; costs 500 kinzcash.

Medium room; costs 700 kinzcash.

Large room; costs 1,000 kinzcash.

Outdoor yard; costs 1,000 kinzcash. This yard is just like a normal room, except you can put different things in it, and you can't change the wall or flooring.

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Q: How do you get an outdoor room on Webkinz?
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How do you get a yard on Webkinz?

go to your room clickmap ---- then click $buy ---- click where you want your backyard to be ---- and click outdoor room [ an outdoor room is $1000 ] ----

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To buy an outdoor yard, go to the map in your pet's room. Click the button that says 'Buy a Room' and then there will be a selection of different rooms. Click outdoor yard and it should cost 1000KC. Pick where you want it to go, and voila! you have an outdoor yard!

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1. Go to your room. 2. Click Map of rooms 3. Click buy a room 4. Click Outdoor Room 5. Buy it 6. Click where you want it to go 7. Decorate and enjoy

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It doesn't matter; you can pick any room theme and your webkinz will be happy.

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The Outdoor Room was created in 2008.

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When you get a webkinz eStore buterfly, you can get a treetop room! I wanted to find out, do I bought one, and now i have a treetop room. my user name is mochachinno1216 on webkinz. Add me!

How can you get a yard in Webkinz?

to get a yard, do the following. 1.go to a room and click on the map on something that says "add a room" or "buy a room" on a space to put the yard 4.finally,click on the rectangle underneath "outdoor yard"

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The duration of The Outdoor Room is 1320.0 seconds.

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