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Make sure it's Wednesday, then go to the black cave next to Black Throne city. Then, go to the 'hoen music' which is in the top left corner and then when you hear the song, switch to the map on the Pokegear and then switch back to the 'hoen sound' and start walking. You'll then get an absol.

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Q: How do you get an absol in soul silver?
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Where do you catch an absol Pokemon silver?

You can not catch an absol in silver or gold and crystal. Absol is from ruby and sapphire onwards.

Where is absol in soul silver?

you cant get one you need to import one from Pokemon R/S/E (Ruby Sapphire or Esmerald

How do you get absol in Pokemon Crystal?

Pokemon Crystal is a Generation II (Gold, Silver, Crystal) game. Absol is a Generation III (Ruby, Sapphire, Emerald, Fire Red, Leaf Green) Pokemon. You cannot get Absol in Crystal. However, you can get Absol in Heart Gold, Soul Silver at: Slowpoke Well, Union Cave, Mt. Mortar, Dark Cave, Whirl Islands, Mt. Silver, Ice Path, Cliff Edge Gate, Cliff Cave, Diglett's Cave, Mt. Moon, Cerulean Cave, Rock Tunnel, Seafoam Islands, Victory Road, Tohjo Falls. But you have to be listening to the Hoenn Sound on your radio.

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Neither. The new game is called Soul Silver, not Silver Soul.

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As in soul silver? Yes you can is soul silver. At the bottom of seafoam islands.

How do you catch absol in soul silver?

You can find Absol in "Pokémon SoulSilver" in the Slowpoke Well, the Union Cave, Mt. Mortar, Rock Tunnel, Dark Cave, Cerulean Cave, Mt. Moon, Mt. Silver, Diglett's Cave, Whirl Islands, Victory Road, Rock Tunnel, Cliff Cave, Ice Path and Tohjo Falls or you could get it in a trade. The trick to catching it is to lower its HP and to either use Ultra Balls or Dusk Balls.

Should you get Pokemon Soul Silver?

Soul silver is AWESOMENESS!! yes GET IT

Where is professor Rowen in soul silver?

Professor Rowan isn't in Soul silver

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you can't ice fossils in soul silver

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you don't have friend codes in soul silver.