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u could cheat or use the wifi trade center

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Q: How do you get all the Hoenn starters in Platinum without Pal Park?
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How do you get the Hoenn starters in pokemon platinum?

You'll just need to trade for them, or transfer them into the Pal Park from Pokemon Ruby, Sapphire, or Emerald.

How do you catch Kanto and Hoenn in Pal Park?

basically you have to own firered or leafgreen for kanto, and ruby, sapphire, or emerald for hoenn. then you choose 6 Pokemon to migrate to pal park in diamond, pearl, or platinum

How do you see non-Sinnoh starters in Pokemon Platinum other than Pal Park?

You have to cheat.

How do you get the Hoenn starters in Pokemon Heart Gold?

In Pokémon HeartGold, the Hoenn starters (Treecko, Torchic, and Mudkip) can be obtained through a special event called the "Poke Transfer" feature. This feature allows players to transfer Pokémon from their Generation III games (such as Pokémon Ruby, Sapphire, or Emerald) to HeartGold using the Pal Park feature in Generation IV games. Once the Hoenn starters are transferred to HeartGold, players can then trade them to their own game and add them to their team.

Where can you get a bulbisor in Pokemon platinum?

You have to either get one from the pal park (which to do you would have to get it from a Hoenn game, then an original Johto game, then get it from Red, Blue, or Yellow), or trade from HeartGold or SoulSilver.

How do you get Deoxys on Pokemon platinum without pal park?

You can use the GTS :P

What is pal park in Pokemon Platinum?

if you have a ds and had a gameboy advance Pokemon game you can deposit the Pokemon into palpark then catch them in a catching game.Sometimes depends what game you have you can catch kanto and hoenn Pokemon but not a lot of them.

How do you get the three Jhoto starters from Pokemon platinum?

It's not possible to do that. You cannot get the starters from johto,kanto or hoenn unless you get them by trading if you got them on Pokemon diamond/pearl or insert the gba game in the slot if you got them when you get to pal park, or theres just the way of cheating which I never do.OMG there is a way jeez k look if u have emerald catch all 200 Pokemon from the hoenn pokedex and once ur done than what ya gotta do is talk to birch and he'll give u a choice of ONE so choose careully than u ovibously go to palpark blah blah blah -BillyDuong-PEACE

How do you migrate Pokemon from Hoenn to Sinnoh?

The pal park

How do you get a Charmander in platinum without action replay?

pal park only way i know

How do you get raiku on platinum without cheats?

You have to transfer it from a GBA game. To pick it up, go to pal park then catch it with a park ball.

How do you get lots of masterballs in platinum?

you can get masterballs. when u trade Pokemon from hoenn or jhoto make Pokemon hold masterball and u migrate it. and then go to pal park to get ur migrated Pokemon and take master ball from him..