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To unlock the second one you need to beat the game on any difficulty. You unlock the third one like this: when you start the game, it says press start. press start then with the right analog stick look down and press all the triggers buttons. you should break free. then find a computer that lets you press square or X, and you see a keyboard. type cd, press enter. type doa (for dead ops arcade) then press enter. done.

U can also type 3ARC UNLOCK to get five and dead ops arcade

AND---you can get the FOURTH one by buying it off of playstation network or on the Xbox thing (i dont know what the Xbox thing is, i only have a ps3)

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Q: How do you get all black ops zombie levels?
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What is the code for all zombie levels on black ops?

3arc unlock

How many levels are in black ops acension?

ALL zombie maps have infinite levels with increasing difficulty as the levels go on.

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you beat the game

How many levels are there in Call of Duty Black Ops?

15 levels if you finish them you get a zombie map

How do unlock all the zombie levels on cod black ops 2?

to get more zombie maps, you need to get the fourth expansion pack, on GameStop it costs 15 bucks

How do you get all levels in black ops zombies?

Zombie Mode in endless so how could anyone get all the levels. You fight until you die because it is a survival mode that you can not beat or win

How do you get zombies on Call of Duty black ops?

you just have to beat the levels for the next zombie game

Can you be a zombie on black ops?

No you can not be a Zombie.

How do you unlock all the zombie levels on cod black ops wii?

i am really sorry to tell you this but you cant you have to get map pack or something else but i wish there was a code to unlock all zombie maps on the wii

How many level are in Call of Duty Black Ops zombie mode?

There is no limit to levels on Zombie Mode in Black Ops. It is a survival type game mode and does not end except when you die. There could not be a number of levels because it is infinite with new levels continuing until the game ends when you die.

What do get when you get all films in black ops zombie?

in call of duty black opps

What are the cheats to the black ops zombie franchise?

I don't know many but I know 3ARC UNLOCK will unlock all levels including five, a zombie level. And DOA unlocks an arcade version.