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Go to the GTS in Jublife City and press in Kadabra-any level.Then if you have the Pokemon they wanted (If you don't go catch one or if it's a legendary then,too bad.) then trade.Now it will evolve right away!

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Q: How do you get alakazam on Pokemon Diamond?
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On Pokemon Diamond what is 22?

Pokemon 22 in Diamond is Alakazam.

On Pokemon diamond is there a trainer who has alakazam?

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Who are the Pokemon who learns thief in Pokemon Diamond?

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Alakazam, Gengar, KAdabra, sneasel, sandslash and others

How do you get alakazam in Pokemon Black?

in pokemon pearl,diamond or platinum you have to eight badges in pokemon black and then trade kadabra to you from yourself and it will evolve

Is Alakazam Infernape Staraptor Gyrados Mesprit Luxray a strong team in Pokemon Diamond?

yes.becuase i cant even get a alakazam or mesprit so your lucky!

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Sinnoh Dex: Drifloon Nat Dex: Alakazam

Where to 22 in the pokedex diamond?

Alakazam is the 22nd Pokemon in the Sinnoh PokeDex, and you must evolve a Kadabra to get one.

How do you get an alakazam in Pokemon diamond?

You need to train/evolve Abra/Kadabra or you can get it by trading with a friend or over WFC.

What Pokemon on Pokemon Diamond have the adility synchronise?

Abra, Kadabra, Alakazam, Mew, Natu Xatu, Espeon, Umbreon, Ralts, Kirlia, Gardevoir

How do you evolve kadabra into alakazam in Pokemon pearl with out trading online?

you can get or borrow a second ds with the Pokemon diamond/pearl game and trade the kadabra from the 1st ds to the 2nd for it to evolve, and then the newly evolved alakazam back to the 1st ds :]